
Nonograms Pro instal the new version for apple
Nonograms Pro instal the new version for apple

No thanks.Edit: developer responded with options to continue playing. So you gotta spend real money to keep playing. The more you play, the more diamonds it costs you and the less you make. Ads can give you diamonds but only a few. You spend lots of diamonds to play, you make a couple diamonds when you win so you run out. It’s a fun game, but the catch is you have to pay to keep playing. That way I can play more, and they can make more money off the adds i watch after puzzles rather than making nothing because I cant play anymore. I’m one of the many people who will never spend real money on in game currency, so they would be better off if a feature was added to purchase diamonds with coins. I watch as many ads as they will allow to earn diamonds, so they get plenty of ad revenue from me. I have amassed over 10,000 coins that have no use for me. I only use my coins for the occasional unnecessary hint to earn diamonds from weekly challenges like “use 2 hints” So really I only use a couple hints a week because I don’t need them. What you will earn a ton of is coins, which are only useful if you have no idea how to complete a nonogram puzzle. You also earn diamonds on a time based schedule, but the amount it caps out to is only enough to play one or two puzzles towards the end of a chapter when only “Very Hard” pricier puzzles remain. You pay with a lot of diamonds to play, and only earn a couple for completing. Basically, the reward ratio needs improvement. I love nonograms and pretty much all of the competing apps that i’ve tried can’t compare. This game is one of only two that have managed to keep me interested for many months. Most games i’ll only keep for a week before it falls to the background and gets deleted. It’s hard for a game to keep my attention for long.

Nonograms Pro instal the new version for apple